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6960 vues
13 commentaires
Eskhar 31

You did a great job on these pages ! Action is great and lively (and I always found it was what was missing in most coloured comics)

Eskhar 06/10/2011 15:28:44   
TroyB 41

He makes me think of a fusion of Genjuro and Haomaru, both the coolest characters of Samurai Shodown... am i right ?
Very cool comic so far congratulations .

TroyB 09/10/2011 11:28:33   
Кери 1

A bit cooler than needed if you ask me.

Кери 09/10/2011 12:46:29   
Naruto 1

wow smashing !!! That's a cool hero !!!

Naruto 14/10/2011 01:13:47   
Leorio 1

yay Gut's mega sword :-D !!!

Leorio 14/10/2011 08:28:34   

is cool I like it !!!

DRAGONBALLZ 14/10/2011 16:14:48   
Fladnag 31

Great ! I just regret it's not available in french ^^

Fladnag 14/10/2011 22:35:15   
Grimmjow 1

not very original story, but amazing art !!!

Grimmjow 14/10/2011 23:56:37   
johandark 34

I want to see more pages! xD.. it´s a great art!!

johandark 03/11/2011 20:28:56   
Mart 17

Man, that small blade on the end of handle looks dangerous!

Mart 07/11/2011 20:50:51   
boopie 1

ok what next

boopie 25/02/2012 00:56:51   
Xanditz 1

Amazing art! Awesome colors! I would love to see more of it!

Xanditz 29/02/2012 19:46:34   
coldasice 1

wow amasing artwork!!

coldasice 05/09/2012 06:47:48   
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Dragonlast: couverture




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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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