So no jacky and no wolfman either (the moon wasn't destroyed right?)
i wonder who there replacemts are?
I don't expect much from the wolfman replacement, as Wm had to beat him.
nooooooooooooooo, not wolfman. but 2nd pic looks weird. plus who is the guy? he looks familiar
Traduire venuu 22/03/2018 03:45:12Eso debe decidirlo el, si quiere seguir o no aun con algo roto.
Traduire Forofgold 17/06/2021 00:33:08Ya estaba derrotado, y la ruptura de brazo lo habrá dejando sollozando en el suelo, no tenía sentido seguir la pelea. :P
Traduire Ap0caliptic0t0tal 10/12/2023 00:38:25Tu peux traduire cette BD via notre interface en ligne.
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