that morning the orc unlocked a achievement Breadwinner of the house
Ahaha x) well found
oh ok so she was on a killing rampage and that how is meet him, how ramantic
Yes that's a cute story they could tell their future children xD "Kids, this is how I met your (psycho murderer) mother" :p
Auteur : FrenchKizz
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi
Type : manga
Genre :
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that morning the orc unlocked a achievement
Ouroboros 17/11/2016 16:24:57Breadwinner of the house
Ahaha x) well found
PookyCherie 17/11/2016 20:31:17oh ok so she was on a killing rampage and that how is meet him, how ramantic
super-spartan 19/11/2016 04:30:15Yes that's a cute story they could tell their future children xD
PookyCherie 20/11/2016 20:21:46"Kids, this is how I met your (psycho murderer) mother" :p