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6414 vues
16 commentaires
TheGalka 2

Maybe it's a floating island? Or she's a lying blonde that wants to bang some green dude, I dunno XD

TheGalka 06/11/2016 16:30:40   
PookyCherie 8

Maybe... Or maybe not XD
I didnt thought about it but the island is a good idea Wonder Woman comes from an island and she's an amazon too...

PookyCherie 06/11/2016 19:40:39   
Traf 7

I think I see a pattern in Serena's behavior. It's like she's so far inside her own head that it never occurs to her that events around her are not required to proceed as she expects.
It really shows with Galador. When he gives Serena attention it makes her so happy she goes squee. When he criticizes her she cries. She is always trying to steer him into behaving the way she thinks an Amazon's husband is supposed to behave.
I'm going to enjoy NPC!

Traf 06/11/2016 17:06:09   
PookyCherie 8

Interesting analysis! I won't spoil you anything, more surprises are coming
Hope you will love what will happen next!! Thank you for your comment

PookyCherie 06/11/2016 19:22:09   
Traf 7

Traf 07/11/2016 14:56:29   
PookyCherie 8


PookyCherie 06/11/2016 19:20:16   
Sarita 20

Interesting :p

Sarita 06/11/2016 19:46:26   
PookyCherie 8

xD j'ai pas reussi a le supprimer

PookyCherie 08/11/2016 09:54:40   
super-spartan 3

sound like there going to be one hell of a story to tell on this one

super-spartan 08/11/2016 00:56:07   
PookyCherie 8

Ohh yes you have no idea

PookyCherie 08/11/2016 09:56:44   
trextrex 1

nice scenery the story getting interesting

trextrex 11/11/2016 00:48:13   
PookyCherie 8

Thanks! it will be more and more with time

PookyCherie 12/11/2016 09:22:33   
SirVile67 1

Galador be like, (facepalm)"This girl..."

SirVile67 12/11/2016 07:25:10   
PookyCherie 8

I'm surprised he didn't facepalm early

PookyCherie 12/11/2016 09:20:58   
Transformer83 1

well she is blonde so maybe she got lost, should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque.

Transformer83 12/11/2016 12:20:18   
PookyCherie 8

Maybe but be careful about what you say on blondes x) She may hear you :p

PookyCherie 13/11/2016 09:23:24   
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Auteur :

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi

Type : manga

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