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17 commentaires
trextrex 1

so many awesome ladies

trextrex 11/11/2016 00:46:49   
PookyCherie 8

Yes but they look creepy xD

PookyCherie 12/11/2016 09:04:00   
Ouroboros 28

One of us, one of us.

Ouroboros 11/11/2016 05:36:52   
PookyCherie 8

Good references

PookyCherie 12/11/2016 09:06:47   
TheGalka 2

Oh God there's a whole village of her...dude stay in your HUT!

TheGalka 11/11/2016 12:24:29   
PookyCherie 8

What if he defeat them all?? XD

PookyCherie 12/11/2016 09:01:37   
Traf 7

That brings up an interesting question: If you defeat an Amazon, that means you're married. If they go to Serena's village, will she block the other Amazons from "her husband" so he will be "faithful" to her?
On the other hand, how big a "harem" could Galador accumulate before even he lost his temper?

Traf 12/11/2016 21:48:44   
PookyCherie 8

Thats exactly what i was wondering i dont know if Amazons are polygams... if they are it could be a real mess x)... hmmm... maybe if they know Galador is their brother in law they would not challenge him...

PookyCherie 13/11/2016 09:31:01   
super-spartan 3

oh god there a village of her i'm with Galka on this one stay in your hut

super-spartan 12/11/2016 01:51:11   
PookyCherie 8

Yes me too x) and barricade the door!

PookyCherie 12/11/2016 09:02:57   
SirVile67 1

Send in the clones :3

SirVile67 12/11/2016 08:14:49   
PookyCherie 8

I wouldn't go there if I was the Orc

PookyCherie 12/11/2016 09:08:23   
Transformer83 1

so all the women of her village look like twins?

Transformer83 12/11/2016 12:18:18   
PookyCherie 8

Its a game maybe the gamedesigner in charge of the Amazons was on strike... ?

PookyCherie 13/11/2016 09:14:49   
SirVile67 1

But childish drawings are the best kind of story illustrations in situations like this, Galador ^_^

SirVile67 12/11/2016 13:21:27   
PookyCherie 8

Yes but galador doesnt seem to apreciate childish drawings... im wondering how he will be with their kids if they will have some

PookyCherie 13/11/2016 09:37:55   
janus-006 1

Make sure to pick up the pieces of the fourth wall, we don't want anyone tripping on them

janus-006 25/11/2016 12:43:42   
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Auteur :

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi

Type : manga

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