Unless you killed her... there won't be peace and relaxtion
Poor Galador... He thinks the "Do not enter" sign will assure him peace... (Im not even sure she can read )
Rubber Ducky. he escape at lasts
But i feel she could come out of the water at any second
Auteur : FrenchKizz
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi
Type : manga
Genre :
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Unless you killed her... there won't be peace and relaxtion
Ouroboros 24/11/2016 18:54:53Poor Galador... He thinks the "Do not enter" sign will assure him peace... (Im not even sure she can read
PookyCherie 25/11/2016 10:13:53Rubber Ducky. he escape at lasts
super-spartan 25/12/2016 18:10:04But i feel she could come out of the water at any second
super-spartan 25/12/2016 18:10:49