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4518 vues
5 commentaires
Ouroboros 28

Will it be, what the readers already think?

Ouroboros 09/02/2017 19:07:17   
FrenchKizz 32

I think she want to say "I want you Co**
By the way it's obvious that I'm talking to the chicken version !

FrenchKizz 09/02/2017 20:41:44   
Ouroboros 28

no it is a wait and see question

Ouroboros 09/02/2017 21:20:10   
super-spartan 3

oh what is she talking about XD

super-spartan 10/02/2017 01:29:30   
Traf 7

What a cute face! It's too bad she's a psychopath who eats more than a horse.

Traf 24/02/2017 16:19:33   
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NPC: couverture




Auteur :

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre :


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