Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Asura00, Salagir
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Robot Panda, TroyB
Traduction par : Salagir
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Humour
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This is just great!!!
) ... what happened to the world?
Chewys 31/03/2017 02:16:08But it´s still the Hemisphere change stuff!! Verrucula was just a collateral damage to that (wasn´t she? Many pages i cannot see
I reaaaaaally want to see this story go further and further...
Yes, Verrucula didn't have any part in the Hemispheres exchange.
Salagir 02/04/2017 16:19:25The pages you can't see, you know how to fix that, while helping comic authors
Yep, i remember her chating with his friend when ZAP!... i really want to see how this continues and what happened there.
Chewys 02/04/2017 22:28:29About the pages, you are right
But i am a teacher in Argentina and we are really struggling to get to the end of the month here with this new liberal goverment... so getting premium again is something i can´t afford right now... but i will, oh i will
You have my sympathies.
Salagir 06/04/2017 22:15:32Don't worry, it's just a comic. And it'll stay here a long time.