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3668 vues
6 commentaires
Ruleslemanga 29

Thank a lot, abby19, for your job !!!! >___ < I though there was a problem but no, and I'm really happy to see that !! Thanks a lot to take your time for Sasori !!!! * __ *

Ruleslemanga 16/11/2011 20:04:37   
abby19 31

You're welcome! It's a pleasure to translate Sasori! =)

abby19 17/11/2011 11:38:49   
McLeod 15

Cool at last Sasori in english .
Some texts are out of their box, you should review the size of the text to make it fit

McLeod 17/11/2011 10:58:51   
abby19 31

I'm sorry for the size! I correct all my mistakes! I will be really careful about it the next time!
I hope you enjoy Sasori in English! ^^

abby19 17/11/2011 11:39:34   
Ruleslemanga 29

McLeod a dit:Cool at last Sasori in english .
Some texts are out of their box, you should review the size of the text to make it fit

Thanks a lot to follow this manga ! ^^

Ruleslemanga 18/11/2011 02:28:17   
Ruleslemanga 29

I am delighted that it is you who holds thee, abby19, because I see that you really apply yourself in what you do, and the result is just amazing !!

Ruleslemanga 18/11/2011 02:27:19   
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Sasori: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , , , ,

Traduction par : abby19

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: chaque jour

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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