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5621 vues
13 commentaires
Drawly 11

Cool, what days does your pages come out?

Drawly 26/10/2011 18:49:03   
Watapoku 3

Drawly a dit:Cool, what days does your pages come out?
Well I'll upload pages once a week. Usually on Wednesday I guess. I wish I could be more regular :/

Watapoku 02/11/2011 17:42:04   
nico93 28

this medical pratice is special
where we could learn it

nico93 26/10/2011 23:11:02   
Watapoku 3

nico93 a dit:this medical pratice is special
where we could learn it

You'll see if you keep up with the story

Watapoku 02/11/2011 17:42:29   
Zato 5

Waouh!!!It is surprising.Just go on the same way .

Zato 27/10/2011 08:45:22   
Zato 5

PS Haruka's right hand seems strange (first drawing)

Zato 27/10/2011 08:51:03   
Watapoku 3

Zato a dit:PS Haruka's right hand seems strange (first drawing)
If you ask me her hands look strange in every drawing
Hands are hard to draw and I guess I'm a bit careless. Thanks for pointing it out

Watapoku 02/11/2011 17:45:08   
Ibi 15

I've just read the 15 pages so far, and I must say I really liked them !

There's great atmosphere coming out of your drawings and the plot is very intriguing.

I'm looking forward to read what'll come next !

Keep it up !

Ibi 27/10/2011 12:57:49   
Watapoku 3

Ibi a dit:I've just read the 15 pages so far, and I must say I really liked them !

There's great atmosphere coming out of your drawings and the plot is very intriguing.

I'm looking forward to read what'll come next !

Keep it up !

Thank you very much. Wirds like yours make me glad I decided to become part of this community

Watapoku 02/11/2011 17:46:37   
Lord Ice 2


Lord Ice 27/10/2011 20:50:40   
mcgrnwlf 8

O_O woah
well that's one way to extract something

mcgrnwlf 03/11/2011 19:30:41   
lig47 8

Cool... *--*

lig47 17/01/2013 00:17:37   

Amateur Surgery!!!

UNDEADTRINITY 11/04/2013 09:50:13   

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The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor: couverture




Auteur :

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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Thriller


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