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7 commentaires
shao-yoshita 22

Your project is fantastic and the heroine is very well .... y love designed and I will I take my hat off
I will follow your comic because it deserves my attention!
congratulation watapoku ^^

shao-yoshita 14/10/2011 01:39:08   
Watapoku 3

Thank you (: Your words mean a lot to me.

Watapoku 15/10/2011 10:47:26   
Katalu 11

I will be addict at this BD ! the drawing and style are ... are ... i don't have the words for describe this !

I will follow this comic , Good Luck for the next

Katalu 14/10/2011 19:27:16   
shao-yoshita 22

Katalu a dit:I will be addict at this BD ! the drawing and style are ... are ... i don't have the words for describe this !

I will follow this comic , Good Luck for the next

shao-yoshita 14/10/2011 19:46:24   
Watapoku 3

Thanks a lot

Your comment made my day (: I hope you'll like the future pages aswell.

Watapoku 15/10/2011 10:49:45   
Кери 1

I always felt that if you do manga, you should do it properly. That's me though. For me, It would have been better if you just have sticked with manga screentones for the backgrounds (like every pro mangaka out there). Your originality doesn't come from fancy PS effects. That doesn't mean I don't like it, it just keeps bothering me.

Кери 16/10/2011 15:44:09   
Watapoku 3

Well, I guess we all have different tastes, dont we? ;]

Watapoku 19/10/2011 18:54:51   
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The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor: couverture




Auteur :

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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Thriller


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