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8 commentaires
shao-yoshita 22

yeeees thank youuu ^^

shao-yoshita 09/11/2011 21:26:20   
NanaJ 16

Uh oh she's getting paranoid!

NanaJ 09/11/2011 22:33:07   
Watapoku 3

NanaJ a dit:Uh oh she's getting paranoid!

What would you do if you were in the same situation? ;]

Watapoku 16/11/2011 19:17:46   
NanaJ 16

Hahaha I guess I won't be an interesting comic character but I wouldn't go all alone to an alternative medicine specialist at first place!

NanaJ 17/11/2011 07:50:18   
Watapoku 3

You have a serious point there But then again I don't think that many people associate alternative medicine with tentacles and paranormal stuff. Maybe acupuncture or homeophaty but deffinetly not tenatcles ;p

Watapoku 23/11/2011 19:07:57   
NanaJ 16

Mhm,I associate it with creeps and inappropriate touching

NanaJ 23/11/2011 23:25:59   
ceco1 6

NanaJ a dit:Mhm,I associate it with creeps and inappropriate touching :at:
based on actual experiences or imaginary ones :P

ceco1 24/11/2011 13:38:01   
NanaJ 16

Haha not the first thank god !

NanaJ 24/11/2011 19:09:50   
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The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor: couverture




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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Thriller


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