This manga is getting more and more interesting, congratulations Watapoku .
On top of having really good illustrations, you manage to create an atmopshere of your own and drag the reader into it... which is amazing .
Keep it up .
TroyB18/11/2011 11:27:17
3 Auteur
TroyB a dit:This manga is getting more and more interesting, congratulations Watapoku .
On top of having really good illustrations, you manage to create an atmopshere of your own and drag the reader into it... which is amazing .
Keep it up .
Thanks, Troy. Your words mean a lot to me and they give me the confidence to keep going with my comic (:
Watapoku23/11/2011 19:12:01
keep going this manga is very beautiful and i am entire in the atmosphere i like it
nico9318/11/2011 20:19:38
3 Auteur
nico93 a dit:keep going this manga is very beautiful and i am entire in the atmosphere i like it
I'll try my best
Thank you
Watapoku23/11/2011 19:12:31
I really like how you did her hand (the one that's touching her belly)
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This manga is getting more and more interesting, congratulations Watapoku
TroyB 18/11/2011 11:27:17On top of having really good illustrations, you manage to create an atmopshere of your own and drag the reader into it... which is amazing
Keep it up
TroyB a dit:This manga is getting more and more interesting, congratulations Watapoku
Watapoku 23/11/2011 19:12:01On top of having really good illustrations, you manage to create an atmopshere of your own and drag the reader into it... which is amazing
Keep it up
Thanks, Troy. Your words mean a lot to me and they give me the confidence to keep going with my comic (:
keep going this manga is very beautiful and i am entire in the atmosphere i like it
nico93 18/11/2011 20:19:38Auteur
nico93 a dit:keep going this manga is very beautiful and i am entire in the atmosphere i like it

Watapoku 23/11/2011 19:12:31I'll try my best
Thank you
I really like how you did her hand (the one that's touching her belly)
NanaJ 20/11/2011 23:11:05