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4796 vues
5 commentaires
TroyB 41

This manga is getting more and more interesting, congratulations Watapoku .
On top of having really good illustrations, you manage to create an atmopshere of your own and drag the reader into it... which is amazing .
Keep it up .

TroyB 18/11/2011 11:27:17   
Watapoku 3

TroyB a dit:This manga is getting more and more interesting, congratulations Watapoku .
On top of having really good illustrations, you manage to create an atmopshere of your own and drag the reader into it... which is amazing .
Keep it up .

Thanks, Troy. Your words mean a lot to me and they give me the confidence to keep going with my comic (:

Watapoku 23/11/2011 19:12:01   
nico93 28

keep going this manga is very beautiful and i am entire in the atmosphere i like it

nico93 18/11/2011 20:19:38   
Watapoku 3

nico93 a dit:keep going this manga is very beautiful and i am entire in the atmosphere i like it

I'll try my best

Thank you

Watapoku 23/11/2011 19:12:31   
NanaJ 16

I really like how you did her hand (the one that's touching her belly)

NanaJ 20/11/2011 23:11:05   
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The Black Doctor

The Black Doctor: couverture




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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Thriller


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