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all Because of You

all Because of You : manga couverture

All because of you is a web comic about a high school girl  named Moon who later discovers she has magical powers after getting kidnapped by strangers on her way home. she gets rescued by Alec, who happens to know who she really is, she is hesitant and afraid to accept the truth. But knowing what her destiny is,  it's hard to  escape. with little skills and no knowledge of her ability, Moon has to go back to her world, which was once destroyed and reclaim it but first she has to defeat Morgaroth.

Genere: Supernatural / Romance

Dessinateur :

Version originale : English

Mise à jour : En pause

Genre : Romance

Type : manga - Saga
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7 commentaires dans d'autres langues.

Tanako Tanako 26mai ch2 p11 yes guys, you don't have to wait. just visit our page for more, A LOT MORE pages www.daisyscreation.com/aboy up to 2 chapters a (...)
Sophie♥ Sophie♥ 15nov. ch1 p1 I'll check it out nothing, girl ! You sould inform you before Say people is Ill, uncultivated. And... it's a cartoon ;) not a sh (...)
Tanako Tanako 14nov. ch1 p1 lol really? oh i haven't seen the show. maybe ill check it out.
Sophie♥ Sophie♥ 26oct. ch1 p5 Continue plz !
Sophie♥ Sophie♥ 26oct. ch1 p1 The girl male me think at Taranee in W.i.t.c.h.
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