Sorry everyone! tomorrow I paint this page, the time is short...sorry one more time.
babee20/11/2011 01:29:02
It looks good that way too.
I wonder what will happen now!
NanaJ20/11/2011 23:30:28
15 Auteur
NanaJ a dit:It looks good that way too.
I wonder what will happen now! thanks ;D well I cant tell you...;D but I tell you one thing, the life have many turns...ehee
babee21/11/2011 01:43:47
Keeping it mysterious, don't you?
NanaJ21/11/2011 17:54:12
15 Auteur
NanaJ a dit:Keeping it mysterious, don't you? yaps, a few more days and i have two more pages ehee
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Sorry everyone!
tomorrow I paint this page, the time is short...sorry one more time. 
babee 20/11/2011 01:29:02It looks good that way too.
NanaJ 20/11/2011 23:30:28I wonder what will happen now!
NanaJ a dit:It looks good that way too.
babee 21/11/2011 01:43:47I wonder what will happen now! thanks ;D well I cant tell you...;D but I tell you one thing, the life have many turns...ehee
Keeping it mysterious, don't you?
NanaJ 21/11/2011 17:54:12Auteur
NanaJ a dit:Keeping it mysterious, don't you?
yaps, a few more days and i have two more pages ehee
babee 22/11/2011 01:12:10Auteur
Now in color!
babee 24/11/2011 12:52:42