Sorry once again ... : (Is that this week was even more complicated! (Paint as soon as possible
babee26/11/2011 14:26:33
I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny
Ruleslemanga27/11/2011 03:29:05
15 Auteur
Ruleslemanga a dit:I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny I´m glad you like it! thanks and continue the read my story ehee
babee27/11/2011 19:42:28
I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing
NanaJ27/11/2011 13:44:34
15 Auteur
NanaJ a dit:I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing Great! Thanks
babee27/11/2011 19:43:58
Good work!
Michaël28/11/2011 20:31:23
15 Auteur
Michaël a dit:Good work! Thanks one more time! I glad you like it! don´t have colour in this page but a few days and I bring the colour back!
babee29/11/2011 01:46:32
babee a dit:Michaël a dit:Good work!Thanks one more time! I glad you like it! don´t have colour in this page but a few days and I bring the colour back! So good!
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Sorry once again ... : (Is that this week was even more complicated! (Paint as soon as possible
babee 26/11/2011 14:26:33I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny
Ruleslemanga 27/11/2011 03:29:05Auteur
Ruleslemanga a dit:I red all your manga and it's really nice and funny
I´m glad you like it! thanks and continue the read my story ehee
babee 27/11/2011 19:42:28I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing
NanaJ 27/11/2011 13:44:34Auteur
NanaJ a dit:I like her pose on the 1st frame, very nice drawing
Great! Thanks
babee 27/11/2011 19:43:58Good work!
Michaël 28/11/2011 20:31:23Auteur
Michaël a dit:Good work!
Thanks one more time! I glad you like it!
don´t have colour in this page
but a few days and I bring the colour back! 
babee 29/11/2011 01:46:32babee a dit:Michaël a dit:Good work!
Thanks one more time! I glad you like it!
don´t have colour in this page
but a few days and I bring the colour back!
So good!
Michaël 29/11/2011 21:40:18