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2 commentaires
Sandymoon 52

Raah en plus il venait la détacher…

Sandymoon 19/03/2018 17:37:04   
Erazade 36

J'l'aime bien lui, il a une bonne bouille

Erazade 20/03/2018 08:29:40   
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1 commentaires dans d'autres langues.
Guildadventure 31

There’s a lot of cameos in this page. At the top right panels is the cameo for the winner of the 2016 monster design contest. At the mid left is the cameo for the winner of the 2016 fanart contest, and the Minotaur is an adition as reward for the same contest.

If you like the strips, you can read the next week strip before your friends by supporting me on patreon. http://patreon.com/kukuruyo


Guildadventure 26/06/2016 23:45:41   

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