Auteur : Chewys
Équipe : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traduction par : Chewys
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Yeahhh!!! This is my second favourite page of the comic so far!!!
... Damn you Dr. Gero!! )
Chewys 31/08/2017 18:01:02It was made by Torrijos! The same great artist that already made Cooler piercing Cold.
It´s the first time ever that someone draws three human generations of Kame school launching a Kame Hame Ha together!!! (Gyumao is the only one missing
Thanks again Torrijos!!
If you meant to go for the Saiyan being surprised that their power levels are rising as they charge their Kamehamehas just like Raditz was when Piccolo used a Special Beam Cannon against him in the anime, then maybe it would be better to re-phrase it.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 08/09/2017 06:55:00Maybe something like this: "WHAT? Their power levels are rising as they concentrate their energy in their palms?"
It's not that they are rising their power levels, except for Roshi. They haven't mastered ki control (Gohan and Roshi have a low skill level fir that, as Yamcha's and Krillin have none).
Chewys 09/09/2017 14:07:58Yet the Kame Hame Ha is a very powerful technique that allows the user to concentrate ALL of his/her power behind the attack. Raditz was surprise by this when he first saw Goku doing it, in fact Broco's line here was taken from Raditz.
So even if saiyans are used to shoot energy, this kind of attacks that concentrate the energy so efficently are rare. (Vegeta's Garlick Ho being one of the few exceptions)
It's not that they are rising their power levels, except for Roshi. They haven't mastered ki control (Gohan and Roshi have a low skill level fir that, as Yamcha's and Krillin have none).
Chewys 09/09/2017 14:07:58Yet the Kame Hame Ha is a very powerful technique that allows the user to concentrate ALL of his/her power behind the attack. Raditz was surprise by this when he first saw Goku doing it, in fact Broco's line here was taken from Raditz.
So even if saiyans are used to shoot energy, this kind of attacks that concentrate the energy so efficently are rare. (Vegeta's Garlick Ho being one of the few exceptions)
Yes, but when Goku started charging that Kamehameha, his power level started to rise beyond what it normally was and that is what surprised Raditz. It's not that Goku was hiding his true power at all because he wasn't. It's that the Kamehameha allowed it to temporarily increase beyond it's normal maximum.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/09/2017 06:01:49Oh and here is the exact thing Raditz said: "No it can't be! His power level is skyrocketing! He's at 924 and rising...! He can somehow focus his Ki into a single point...!"
Well I tried including a link to the page, but apparently I couldn't. Anyways it's Ch201 Pg7 where he says that.
I rephrased it to meet futhermore Raditz´s quote!
Chewys 10/09/2017 14:36:50Wonderful page indeed!I specifically like the detail in distance perception.
John Boredonquixote 09/09/2017 23:51:00Ah and by the way...Ox King liiiives!!!!
art style looks a but weird, but why would the saiya-jin looks like he never seen a energy attack? saiya-jins can do that as well. what is the power of each kamehameha attack?
venuu 07/09/2017 10:42:21Why do you know what a sayian is but don't know that hiding energy wasn't a thing for these old sayians.
Ouroboros 07/09/2017 19:28:39um what? that is not what i said. i am NOT talking aboot hiding energy, i am talking aboot the attack
venuu 07/09/2017 22:55:05A Kamehameha wave is a very strong energy attack and not just a normal energy attack. I think that's what the saiyan is referring to, like as if he didn't expect them to be able to concentrate their energy into their hands when they have such weak power
Dunified 07/09/2017 23:58:36Auteur
This is also true
Chewys 09/09/2017 14:09:21I know what you mean. I think Chewys phrased it a bit awkwardly. I think it would've been better worded as something along these lines: "WHAT? Their power levels are rising as they concentrate their energy in their palms?"
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 08/09/2017 06:52:22yeah i think that is the problem
venuu 09/09/2017 01:04:47is it just me or does Yamcha look like Goku in the last panel..also Tien's Tribeam could be a problem for the well as Roshi's Mafuba
AnimeChicken 10/09/2017 03:11:38Auteur
Yeah, Yamcha and adult Goku can be confused sometimes. I guess that´s why Toriyama changed Yamcha´s design and gave him a bunch of badass scars
Chewys 10/09/2017 14:38:36