Auteur : Chewys
Équipe : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Ouch - Poor Yajirobe.
HyperSonic_1985 21/09/2017 10:18:36Auteur
Toma just fullfilled Vegeta´s dream
Chewys 21/09/2017 17:30:25Only cowards pick on the weak, Raditz "friends"have no right to talk about bravery
Ouroboros 21/09/2017 20:12:24Auteur
Well, actually here Raditz is not the weakling he used to be (i mean, his ghost did quite well against Hildegarn). But they are picking on him still because of who he was.
Chewys 21/09/2017 23:09:58At first i actually intended Toma to be on Raditz´s side (being Bardock´s friend and all).
But as i was reading the chapter against Hildegarn picking up hints and images it´s clear from this page ( Raditz´s ghost holds a grudge against Toma (or i least i think it´s Toma): so the last pannel here was meant to give meaning to that hysterical laugh of Raditz in that special
love the sword thing, wish could've seen the "fight"
venuu 22/09/2017 00:46:42Auteur

Chewys 22/09/2017 12:54:02My guess is it went something like this:
Tomma arrives while Yajirobe is eating an enormus fish and makes a remark about how delicious that looks and how weak humans are.
Yajirobe warns him to go and Toma challenges him. Yajirobe grabs his sword and attacks and Toma kicks him crushing him to the rocks barely alive. Then he grabs the sword and shoves it up his ass.
And is going to get the fish when he hears Gerkin asking them to report
why not have toma kicks him, yajirobe lets go of sword because the kick, the sword flies in air and it falls on/in yajirobe ass
venuu 22/09/2017 23:32:03That would be more akin to classic DB in the comedy department, but I think him being savage and shoving a sword up Yajirobe's ass is much more appropriate for a Saiyan's brutal, savage nature.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 27/09/2017 02:25:43or what if toma trows in yajirobe's ass?
venuu 27/09/2017 02:36:27I think shoving it up the ass would be more savage since you could make it hurt more by applying more force.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 28/09/2017 03:28:14true, but with keeping some comical part
venuu 29/09/2017 15:43:45Yeah, but if this had been how Toriyama had written the story, we'd already be into the Z part of the story (just a little earlier than he did it in the actual story), which was mostly of a serious nature with only rare humorous moments.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 01/10/2017 02:32:30i think this is still pre-z going by timelines. 2nd rare? sure less, but rare is not true, plus the boo saga is a lot again
venuu 01/10/2017 16:50:20