what is patience? btw i have ADD and ADHD. fwy you can joke aboot it i don't care, i do it myself
Traduire venuu 24/08/2017 01:44:52both r basicly impatient problems, ADHD is more psychical and ADD is more mental. but i don't mind if ppl joke aboot it, i actually found it worse if ppl don't wanne joke aboot it
Traduire venuu 25/08/2017 03:22:19actually what he have seen from goku he should be or slightly smaller or already taller with that age
Traduire venuu 22/08/2017 11:31:37so he is slightly smaller than goku? btw i thought goku was younger at that tourny, but it seems he was 16/17
Traduire venuu 24/08/2017 01:51:16So Raditz dies here as his jerk father said "You died at the first opportunity"
Traduire Ouroboros 21/08/2017 20:01:10I think it's left ambiguous in the comic.Remember when Raditz transformed to Oozaru through the little chips in his eye,his father commented that if he had that idea in their universe Raichi would have been defeated.Which may implies Raditz died from the good doctor
Auteur : Divin Anel, Sergel
Équipe : L-Cacahuète, ANILOM12
Traduction par : L-Cacahuète
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre :
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