Rock 'n' Roll Jungle
par phoentra20, Blackheart
Rock 'n' Roll Jungle, course effrénée au survivalisme, au courage et à l'auto-dégénération, est sans conteste l'émission de télévision la plus populaire de l'histoire. Et pour cause !...
Pages: 261
Mise à jour: 17févr.
Good thing they where late.
Ouroboros 21/01/2018 14:50:04Remember a Mecha Ryak-Lo is also con it's way. Machano is doomed...
Chewys 21/01/2018 20:43:06Personally don't break of a siege, all these troops where there to lay siege on a neighbor fortress.
Ouroboros 21/01/2018 21:00:18I will not be surprised the good guys are being reinforced by the neighbors soon