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2 commentaires

With the cover I thought it would be a story of vampires with action and all, like BLADE... and now it's... romance and pink and sweet stuff ? Ok We'll see where you go with that .

DRAGONBALLZ 18/10/2011 15:13:59   
Estherrulez 6

DRAGONBALLZ a dit:With the cover I thought it would be a story of vampires with action and all, like BLADE... and now it's... romance and pink and sweet stuff ? Ok We'll see where you go with that . LOL, just wait ! you'll get the action, the shit and giggles, they're on their way

Estherrulez 25/10/2011 12:44:29   
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Nevermore: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe :

Traduction par : Estherrulez

Version originale: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Thriller

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