i want to know why some balloons are empty?:question: I want to know what hapened
death_cookie a dit:i want to know why some balloons are empty?:question: I want to know what hapened Arf somebody forgot the translations... you should send a mail to the authors http://www.amilova.com/fr/members/9003/Reen%20et%20Aka/
TroyB a dit:death_cookie a dit:i want to know why some balloons are empty?:question: I want to know what hapened Arf somebody forgot the translations... you should send a mail to the authors http://www.amilova.com/fr/members/9003/Reen%20et%20Aka/ thanks
It's just the fact I dind't have time to finish the translation . But now is done!
Auteur : Reen et Aka
Équipe : Saina6
Traduction par : Reen et Aka
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Thriller
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i want to know why some balloons are empty?:question: I want to know what hapened
death_cookie 21/02/2012 17:06:13death_cookie a dit:i want to know why some balloons are empty?:question: I want to know what hapened
TroyB 21/02/2012 17:32:06Arf somebody forgot the translations... you should send a mail to the authors http://www.amilova.com/fr/members/9003/Reen%20et%20Aka/
TroyB a dit:death_cookie a dit:i want to know why some balloons are empty?:question: I want to know what hapened
death_cookie 21/02/2012 17:40:13Arf somebody forgot the translations... you should send a mail to the authors http://www.amilova.com/fr/members/9003/Reen%20et%20Aka/
It's just the fact I dind't have time to finish the translation . But now is done!
Reen et Aka 04/03/2012 12:17:30