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2 commentaires
AceAssassain 8

Ok now its clear that guy is the spy, because he has access to the morning star weapons and Ashen's mentor would never do something like that so its clearly him

AceAssassain 10/07/2018 13:40:55   
Ouroboros 28

briljant, have you seen him giving orders to close the door or fire the weapon? Or him being close to a control panel?

What does a commander do? He gives commands and has no direct control to the weapons or doors that is the middleman.
It's somoneelse in the control room. http://www.amilova.com/en/comi...ryak-lo/chapter-74/page-7.html maybe it's the one n the left

there 3 bridge officers http://www.amilova.com/en/comi...yak-lo/chapter-71/page-20.html http://www.amilova.com/en/comi...yak-lo/chapter-71/page-14.html and two guards at the door and that are only the 4 we have seen

Ouroboros 10/07/2018 19:44:27   
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