Wow, that surprised me. I thought Mr. Satan was cheating, but then I saw that he hadn't been ringed out in the last page, he'd fallen in the ring. Makes sense, why would they be counting otherwise.
We have to remember this guy survived a backhand from Perfect Cell, he can take some punishment.
Wow!!!! Go Satan! Never underestimate the spawn of hell!!!
Chewys where are my 50 cents already????!!!
Whaaaat? Of course not! Who is spreading these rubbish rumors? I would never lose faith in Mr. Satan
UFF... the mythos was that Chiatzu is not very strong physically.
And Satan is one of the strongest "non-Sacred School" fighters of the world.
It is not tha~t unexpected I guess.
But couldn't he sense Satans KI?
Chiatzu you let your guard down.
Parece que algo o alguien le curó a Mr Satán, ya que parece que él mismo se ha sorprendido.
And so Mr Satan got up and kicked poor Chaotzu. Now, he can launch a pokeball and try to capture him!
Also. He seems surprised: did the effect of Chaoutzu techique vanish?
He'h !
" Chiatzu uses Paralysis. "
Mister Satan can't move.
" Chiatzu uses Focus Punch. "
Mister Satan falls asleep. (Regeneration).
Chiatz thinks he has won.
" Mister Satan uses Jump kick. "
It is very effective.
Auteur : Chewys
Équipe : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traduction par : Atan
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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