But wait.........What if Washington redskins mascot was not kill?
Traduire Dragonballzfan 24/06/2017 01:20:01Awesome, but in that flashback G. Gohan looks suspiciously like Krillin did during that same exercise. Almost like it was C&Pd from the original source material and only slightly edited to give Roshi some hair on his head and paste Gyumao's helmet over Goku's head.
EDIT: Checked the original chapter and found out that it's not an edited version of the original image. Anyways couldn't you have made G. Gohan not look like Krillin and had Gyumao wear something more in his style?
Ah I see. I didn't know that. Well then I gotta say you do a good job, since I didn't notice until now.
Anyways when is the Ch7 Cover page going to be uploaded. It seems it's been a day or 2 since this page was posted.
No problem. Just was curious when the next page was going up.
Traduire Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 24/06/2017 05:33:59love the little helmet edited on. but he must climb upwards not jump it
Traduire venuu 23/06/2017 14:32:56according 2 karin, you must climb the whole tower. although later in series he kinde forgot his own rule
Traduire venuu 24/06/2017 02:35:18Haven't you already seen this? Or did Chewys not have gone this far when he showed you his work and you helped him get it put on this site?
Traduire Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 15/10/2017 05:35:32Me sigue haciendo gracia el fallo garrafal que cometió Akira con el echo de que Gohan y Gyumao eran compañeros de entrenamiento, ¿En que cabeza cabe? GOHAN LE SACA 50 AÑOS DE DIFERENCIA A GYUMAO, Gohan no pudo haber iniciado su entrenamiento cuando era un niño en ese caso, sino que para coincidir con el entrenamientode Gyumao, tuvo quehaber empezado a los 60 años, pero eso sería contradecir lo dicho por Mutenroshi (Kamesennin no especifica, pero por lo que dice, si interpreta que Gohan se convirtió en discípulo de Mutenroshi a finales de su niñez y principios de su adolescencia, en su pre-adolecencia), lo único lógico es pensar que más bien Gohan también hizo de maestro para Gyumao, pero no sería muy lógico tomando en cuenta las palabras del maestro pervertido.
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