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5 commentaires
Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

Ou~h shit that fugly mothafarta has some swag moves.
He may even be so strong
that the aged Piccolo Daimao had no chance of winning against him.

Kaioken Krillshinhan 25/10/2018 03:46:29   
SamZebrado 1

I've noticed the madarian character will there be a Chinese version?

SamZebrado 27/10/2018 11:30:23   
Jason Phoenix 11

I mean it worked perfectly, Haarp is just an expert at sensing Ki. It's actually very impressive.

Jason Phoenix 27/10/2018 12:02:04   
Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

So wierd to see a Villain with actual skill right?

Kaioken Krillshinhan 30/10/2018 05:52:39   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Jeez, Tien is getting ragdolled even worse against Haarp than he did with Banjo! I wonder just how strong he really is?

In Chapter 9, Page 16 , Gherkin measured Tien's power level at 189. This was obviously a year earlier than in this timeline, and Tien said he had improved enough to feel confident in fighting Bongo 1-on-1, who had a power level of 202.

Chapter 9, Page 17, Doru rated Banjo at 225, which Tien struggled with quite a bit in their fight. Only the amplified power of the Tri-Beam saved him. However, it seems that Haarp is not only stronger than Banjo, but more experienced and a better fighter overall than his brother. Gherkin rated Haarp at a power level of 230 (Ch 9, Pg 19), so this confirms that Haarp is indeed the stronger of the two demons.

Unless both Banjo and Haarp trained during the one year gap between the and of Chapter 8 and the beginning of Chapter 12, then I wonder if they are strong as their father, the young King Piccolo?

Ultimate-Perfection 28/10/2018 02:30:34   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : Chewys

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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