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8 commentaires
Yienzu 5


Yienzu 01/06/2019 20:32:44   
Jason Phoenix 11

0k, that was a very nice move. It's actually a pretty ingenious technique, being able to control the movement of that ki ball gives it a surprise factor. The only other one that does this again (that I remember) is Freeza's Destructo Disc

Jason Phoenix 02/06/2019 01:42:44   
Jason Phoenix 11

Jason Phoenix a dit:0k, that was a very nice move. It's actually a pretty ingenious technique, being able to freely control the movement of that ki ball gives it a surprise factor. The only other one that does this again (that I remember) is Freeza's Destructo Disc

Jason Phoenix 02/06/2019 01:43:11   
Chewys 31

Yep, it's a nice technique and can totally get better!!!

Chewys 03/06/2019 02:40:29   
Rafael955 4

If Tien hit home with this Kikoho Raditz will be in trouble.

Rafael955 02/06/2019 18:24:13   
saigne-crapaud 2

i just neeeeed to see next page!!

saigne-crapaud 02/06/2019 20:09:41   
Cell3 4

Raditz can surely avoid this kikoho despite the fact he is tired. But Gohan can hit him by surprise.

Cell3 02/06/2019 20:40:32   
Chewys 31

I believe Gohan is still down...

Chewys 03/06/2019 02:39:35   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : Chewys

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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