Odysseus, se droguer, c'est pas bien.
Pauvre Goldie.
Toujours entrain de sous-estimée les autres celui là
koga 78 17/03/2023 19:46:31je crois bien qu'il et long à la détente
koga 78 17/03/2023 20:53:16Auteur : Chewys
Équipe : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Ofcourse he dares, even a tame dog pressed enough will eventually bite.
Ouroboros 11/04/2019 10:48:38And Tien is no tame dog, silly monkey.
Common Tien - one Ki blast and he's done - if Picollo could do it so can you
luca1 11/04/2019 11:12:09Oh no, Chiaotzu! Is he dead again? If so, then that honestly doesn't surprise me much. He seems to be one of the more "fragile" Z-Fighters. Though I did not expect him to be taken out in such a brutal way! Even Haarp was given a more merciful death from Raditz by being incinerated. I can understand why Universe 9 has such an extreme prejudice against the Saiyans.
Ultimate-Perfection 11/04/2019 16:35:30Tien is on the ropes right now. His best course of action is to either find a weak point in Raditz's defenses and hit him directly with a Tri-Beam, or just hold out on the defensive until Krillin and Yamcha arrive to help him out.
Ultimate-Perfection 11/04/2019 16:35:30Taioken+kikoho.
Cell3 12/04/2019 20:46:03