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10 commentaires
Jason Phoenix 11

I really like this exchange between Raditz and Tien, I can't exactly say why, but I love how the former is so calm while saiyan he'll exterminate an entire species/civilization to Tien's face, while the latter is utterly terrified by the concept and the fact that he's done it before and that he's got the power to do it again... simply awesome.

I guess I like it more because Tien is a little bit more serious than Goku I guess...

Jason Phoenix 25/04/2019 10:35:01   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Oh, definitely. Raditz is by far the most evil villain they have came across so far. Tien may have been a sadistic assassin, but I don't believe he ever killed anyone that was not his assigned target. Master Shen and Mercenary Tao were brutal in their own ways, but nothing like the Saiyans. The Saiyans have no discrimination when it comes to slaughtering entire planets.

Not even King Piccolo managed to genocide the Earth, although he certainly tried to in his first conquest 300 years ago. The Saiyans make him look like chopped liver.

Ultimate-Perfection 25/04/2019 15:43:49   
Yienzu 5

Agreed. It's a good little exchange. Tien and the rest of this Z team can really appreciate the gravity of the situations they'll find themselves in.

Yienzu 25/04/2019 23:10:23   
luca1 6


luca1 25/04/2019 10:57:34   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

That's what it looks like. He may be trying to distract Raditz long enough to charge a Kikoho, since he wasn't able to do so when Chiaotzu was holding him down with his psychic techniques.

Or it could be that Tien now senses Yamcha and Krillin on their way, and is giving them an opening to attack.

Ultimate-Perfection 25/04/2019 15:38:36   

Very good page! Hope Tien buys enough time for the others to arrive.

In the second-last panel there are the following mistakes: heard, annihilate and interesting

MATTIA IL DIVINO 25/04/2019 13:13:32   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Chewys a dit:

Also change "Neither" to "Nor". Neither doesn't fit unless you have a "or" or a "nor" in the same sentence, but "Nor" can fit in this case by itself.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 25/04/2019 21:14:35   
Chewys 31

Alright!! It's corrected!

Chewys 25/04/2019 21:23:03   
Ultimate-Perfection 11


Ultimate-Perfection 26/04/2019 00:51:35   
Chewys 31


Chewys 26/04/2019 03:21:26   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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