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12217 vues
16 commentaires
lauramma 3


Oh I am so following this! :'D

lauramma 13/11/2011 20:01:45   
Smiley 8

what the FUUU(3000000 billion years later) is this!? O:
I love this comic...

Smiley 15/11/2011 17:34:04   
Ouroboros 28

Well it explains that Mineshaft was allowed to uppercut the female bandit.

Although with the rareity of non dwarves in dwarf comunities the gender confusing joke is to good to pass up.

Either way great Discworld homage

Ouroboros 15/11/2011 17:57:17   
Salagir 32

Ouroboros a dit:Either way great Discworld homage Yes, without it, I would never dare to do such a thing !

Salagir 16/11/2011 11:51:54   
Kazekage-chan 1

That was too unexpected XDDD ROFL!!!

Kazekage-chan 15/11/2011 18:58:38   
Mart 17

Don't you just hate stratigectly placed cups?

Mart 16/11/2011 12:06:02   
Yoruichi 1

MWahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa I can't believe it, Salagir you're a genius

Yoruichi 17/11/2011 11:24:23   
Guts 1

I knew it, I knew it lol

Guts 17/11/2011 11:45:07   
Grimmjow 1

Ahaha Fan service for all

Grimmjow 17/11/2011 13:37:49   
jdtcreates 1

i REALLY didn't see that one coming

jdtcreates 15/12/2011 02:04:43   
Salagir 32

jdtcreates a dit:i REALLY didn't see that one coming That's what I was hoping

Salagir 15/12/2011 08:51:11   
mcgrnwlf 8


mcgrnwlf 01/01/2012 00:25:29   
Ash 1

Haha, this just made me think of the shatta joke in unseen academicals

Ash 31/01/2012 09:48:36   
Fael955 1


Fael955 07/04/2012 21:40:44   
Re-al Boss 5


Re-al Boss 18/01/2014 07:45:05   
Gothic Angel 3

LMFAO!!! Mineshaft is a girl!!!!! omg!!XD

Gothic Angel 09/07/2014 21:40:13   

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