Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Asura00, Salagir
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Robot Panda, TroyB
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Humour
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this is gonna be so akward to get used to..xD
lauramma 17/11/2011 17:58:35lauramma a dit:this is gonna be so akward to get used to..xD
Ezegoku 19/11/2011 00:38:21totally
So he's a she after all! This would be awkward indeed.
Igniz 18/11/2011 05:52:58Bah, for what it's worth anyway.
Dwarven love the streightest yao on the planet ^_- sorry needded to be said
Ouroboros 18/11/2011 18:00:42e?!strange....VERY STRANGE!......
Nail Lizardman 18/11/2011 20:18:16Auteur
A world full of surprises !![](
Salagir 21/11/2011 09:00:12Gah!...It's gonna take a while for me to be able to look at him...uh...her normally.
hulkty 25/11/2011 03:28:32Yep... there it goes.... my brain stopped
c0nn34 17/12/2011 07:17:55=_= ugh my brain keeps breaking before I can put it back together
mcgrnwlf 01/01/2012 00:30:04