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9 commentaires
hulkty 1

Gets turned into frog

hulkty 21/12/2011 20:15:33   
johandark 34

In this page Gogeta does not have too much work xD

johandark 21/12/2011 21:05:00   
Salagir 32

johandark a dit:In this page Gogeta does not have too much work xD I hate this kind of comment. I mean frankly: what are you trying to say??

Salagir 21/12/2011 22:40:38   
johandark 34

Salagir a dit:johandark a dit:In this page Gogeta does not have too much work xD I hate this kind of comment. I mean frankly: what are you trying to say??

There are some pages for every manga where you can use this kind of tricks to avoid draw the background. It´s not a bad comment, it´s a trick used for a lot of comics and mangas. Pages before this one were really amazed worked... and this contrast help to show to the reader that this is a different place. It´s not a bad comment.. just a joke comment xD

johandark 22/12/2011 01:05:00   
Mart 17

johandark a dit:In this page Gogeta does not have too much work xD

He does...watching Megane's a...well you know.

Mart 31/12/2011 10:23:59   
Nail Lizardman 1

Salagir its called democrasy.....and humour....Merry Christmas....

Nail Lizardman 27/12/2011 18:02:33   
Salagir 32

Whaow, people really have no idea what a democracy is...

Salagir 28/12/2011 22:40:04   
Nail Lizardman 1

my friend im greek...we invented that stuff...

Nail Lizardman 30/12/2011 01:17:24   
Gothic Angel 3


Gothic Angel 10/07/2014 19:42:49   

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