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9 commentaires
Ouroboros 28

heh, there isn't a thing like former Enemies to a real dwarf go Mineshaft!

sounds like a city down there

Ouroboros 06/01/2012 17:03:13   
Esteryn 33

She's going to send them all the way up ? oO' see, no need for a rope to go back up after all

Esteryn 06/01/2012 17:48:59   
Diogenes Mota 8

Esteryn a dit:She's going to send them all the way up ? oO' see, no need for a rope to go back up after all undefined

If she can throw her friends, they can set the rope and everything will be ok. Yet, being able to do whirlwind throw like this, I wonder how strong in numbers she would be in an rpg like D&D...

Diogenes Mota 09/01/2012 06:30:46   
Robot Panda 7

Diogenes Mota a dit:Esteryn a dit:She's going to send them all the way up ? oO' see, no need for a rope to go back up after all undefined

If she can throw her friends, they can set the rope and everything will be ok. Yet, being able to do whirlwind throw like this, I wonder how strong in numbers she would be in an rpg like D&D...

With the d20... that's a 21 roll.

Robot Panda 09/01/2012 17:14:00   
Salagir 32

She had it all covered

Salagir 09/01/2012 11:32:13   
Diogenes Mota 8

Whirlwind Launch Attack!

Diogenes Mota 09/01/2012 06:31:22   
forbes 10

I hope time is on my side

forbes 10/10/2012 00:32:33   
petrusmagnus 1

Ahn....it´s just with me or it´s on french where was supposed to be on english?

petrusmagnus 03/07/2013 22:15:11   
Salagir 32

I guess there was an error on some re-upload.
I re-uploaded it with the good text

Salagir 05/07/2013 16:57:24   

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