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14 commentaires
Jason Phoenix 11

"What are we dealing with?", well to your left is Tien's corpse, and over yonder, to the right is Gohan's corpse. So as you can see, everything's under control

Jason Phoenix 09/07/2019 11:09:14   
Chewys 31

You forgot Chiaotzu's!!!

Chewys 10/07/2019 14:21:07   
Jason Phoenix 11

I've gotten used to there not being a Chiaotzu corpse, due to it ending up atomized after his kamikazes...

Jason Phoenix 11/07/2019 12:43:52   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Geez, this is brutal! Gohan would make Raditz's 5th kill on Earth. The others being Farmer w/ Shotgun, Haarp, Chiaotzu, and Tien.

Poor Gohan... He was able to live much longer when compared to his U18 counterpart, but he only delayed the inevitable... I hope he will at least be able to rest in peace in the Other World. Maybe he could get the chance to train with King Kai, and maybe even meet those sexy brunettes that he originally talked about in the anime!

Yamcha also looks so distraught... Now isn't the time for mourning, it's time to get angry! Avenge your master, Yamcha!

I know Raditz is supposed to be an evil villain that we are supposed to dislike, but Chewys has really made me like him! U9 Raditz really got the short end of the stick.

Ultimate-Perfection 09/07/2019 18:48:22   
Chewys 31

Ultimate-Perfection a dit:Geez, this is brutal! Gohan would make Raditz's 5th kill on Earth. The others being Farmer w/ Shotgun, Haarp, Chiaotzu, and Tien.

Poor Gohan... He was able to live much longer when compared to his U18 counterpart, but he only delayed the inevitable... I hope he will at least be able to rest in peace in the Other World. Maybe he could get the chance to train with King Kai, and maybe even meet those sexy brunettes that he originally talked about in the anime!

Yamcha also looks so distraught... Now isn't the time for mourning, it's time to get angry! Avenge your master, Yamcha!

I know Raditz is supposed to be an evil villain that we are supposed to dislike, but Chewys has really made me like him! U9 Raditz really got the short end of the stick.

I really like Raditz!!!

Chewys 10/07/2019 14:22:38   
Atan 3

And now our heroes will make a plan to deal with Raditz! And two of them will probably die anyway! They will speak about the Dragon Balls (because, of course they cannot shut up until the danger is over) and... Vegeta, Nappa!
I also wonder what will Kami do. And Dr Gero, of course.

Atan 09/07/2019 19:08:16   
Chewys 31

Ahhh, those mysterious old guys...

Chewys 10/07/2019 14:23:30   

Even if Gohans story ends here, even if he can never be brought back. He can still acompany them to snake way. Who knows, maybe he and king kai will become budies.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/07/2019 00:16:43   
Chewys 31

Of course!! Since when death has ever stopped anyone in Dragon Ball!?

Chewys 10/07/2019 14:24:16   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

It stopped Goku after he died from the heart virus in Future Trunks' timeline...

Ultimate-Perfection 14/07/2019 03:38:21   
Cell3 4

If Raditz is fear of the z fighters, he can still transform in a oozaru.

Cell3 11/07/2019 22:59:30   
Atan 3

I think he can't. There isn't a full moon and he does not know Vegeta's technique to create a fake moon. It is known only by the Elite, if I remember well.

Atan 13/07/2019 20:14:36   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

That being said, is it even known if Raditz could even control the Oozaru form? The elite Saiyans, like Vegeta and Nappa could do it. But Raditz is lower class.

Ultimate-Perfection 14/07/2019 03:39:56   
kcheeb 5

I think this is where krillin dies and goes to kai to learn kaioken, and yamcha gets turned into cyborg after being beaten and discovered barely alive by gero

i say we will see vegeta+nappa vs kaioken krillin/tien and cyborg yamcha

chiaozu gohan and roshi stays dead since they were already revived by dragonballs

kcheeb 13/07/2019 09:00:27   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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