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5455 vues
8 commentaires
Toh 7

Great job on the comics! It has potential and I like it a lot Keep it up!

Toh 25/10/2011 21:39:17   
Keruo Nasumishi 1

Wow. You're awesome And you're also Ikki's fan. ^^" Keep up the good work!

Keruo Nasumishi 25/10/2011 21:45:38   
TroyB 41

Great art and great avatar Ikki ^^ .
Go present yourself and your manga on the message board we want to know more about you !!!

TroyB 25/10/2011 23:47:00   
Byabya~~♥ 36

This is exceptional, when the French translation? ♥

Byabya~~♥ 27/10/2011 21:40:31   
Ikki San Gaspar 2

Toh a dit:Great job on the comics! It has potential and I like it a lot Keep it up!:gentleman-pipe:

Thanks a lot! xD

Keruo Nasumishi a dit:Wow. You're awesome And you're also Ikki's fan. ^^" Keep up the good work!

Haha! Thanks!! I've been Ikki's fan since the beginning. Though what's happening in the latest air gear manga is quite disappointing. hehe xD

TroyB a dit:Great art and great avatar Ikki ^^ .
Go present yourself and your manga on the message board we want to know more about you !!!

Byabya~~♥ a dit:This is exceptional, when the French translation? ♥

Thank you so much! I'll be posting a For translation version of this after the weekend because I'm out of town right now. I'll update my profile and the manga as soon as I get back! Thanks for the support guys! xD

Ikki San Gaspar 28/10/2011 04:58:37   
Ashura Thor 27

Welcome! You have a good level!

Ashura Thor 28/10/2011 08:46:51   
johandark 34

Yep it has potential! Good work! (interesting flashback!)

johandark 28/10/2011 15:11:21   
Smiley 8

god this page got me when i saw rowell under that monster good job,you are very good!

Smiley 04/12/2011 11:23:58   
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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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