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5219 vues
7 commentaires
Ikki San Gaspar 2

"for translation" version will be released this weekend!!
That's for sure!! >_

Ikki San Gaspar 04/11/2011 03:36:31   
Byabya~~♥ 36

Oh yeah ~~♪♫

Byabya~~♥ 04/11/2011 04:00:37   
Ikki San Gaspar 2

Byabya~~♥ a dit:Oh yeah ~~♪♫
I tried to upload 5 blank pages for translation on the "Manage your comics" section... no how could you translate it?! haha! xDD

Ikki San Gaspar 04/11/2011 04:40:46   
Byabya~~♥ 36

As they become available, I'll start (well I spend a contest Monday so I do not guarantee to be there 100% of the time until then, but normally there will be no problem.

Byabya~~♥ 04/11/2011 04:51:32   
Toh 7

I really love the design of the male character! Good Job, keep it up and good luck ^^

Toh 09/11/2011 07:44:07   
Ikki San Gaspar 2

Toh a dit:I really love the design of the male character! Good Job, keep it up and good luck ^^ undefined undefined undefined
Thanks Toh! xDD

Ikki San Gaspar 11/11/2011 08:47:04   
Mart 17

Toh a dit:I really love the design of the male character!

Me too

Mart 11/11/2011 14:05:38   
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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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