Il iked it...but I must say that it reminds me Fairy Tail a bit (Hiro Mashima)
Wilfried29/11/2011 17:39:54
2 Auteur
Wilfried a dit:Il iked it...but I must say that it reminds me Fairy Tail a bit (Hiro Mashima)
yes I get that a lot! specially with the main character who looks like Erza hehe xDDD
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Il iked it...but I must say that it reminds me Fairy Tail a bit (Hiro Mashima)
Wilfried 29/11/2011 17:39:54Auteur
Wilfried a dit:Il iked it...but I must say that it reminds me Fairy Tail a bit (Hiro Mashima)
specially with the main character who looks like Erza hehe xDDD
Ikki San Gaspar 03/12/2011 13:27:50yes I get that a lot!