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4447 vues
6 commentaires
Esteryn 33

ok so i switched to reading you in English, it seems to be your native language as there are more pages in this version than the french ^.^ i like the mystery of the story and the bird and all

Esteryn 21/12/2011 13:33:06   
CrashBoomBang 11

Esteryn a dit:ok so i switched to reading you in English, it seems to be your native language as there are more pages in this version than the french ^.^ i like the mystery of the story and the bird and all

Thanks I'll catch up with the french translation around Xmas I guess.
I'm glad you like it

CrashBoomBang 21/12/2011 14:45:35   
CrashBoomBang 11

forgot to mention - this is the end of the chapter.

CrashBoomBang 22/12/2011 00:09:43   
Maew-RS 2

CrashBoomBang a dit:forgot to mention - this is the end of the chapter.

It seemed that the others more interest her "treasure" than the owner. :P

Maew-RS 22/12/2011 13:43:14   
ceco1 6

Maew-RS a dit:
It seemed that the others more interest her "treasure" than the owner. :P

yeah, I nice way to make money
- You want the ball.. ok, its yours for just xx$

ceco1 22/12/2011 14:54:35   
CrashBoomBang 11

ceco1 a dit:Maew-RS a dit:
It seemed that the others more interest her "treasure" than the owner.

yeah, I nice way to make money
- You want the ball.. ok, its yours for just xx$

Yeah, it seems she would make a killer salesperson

CrashBoomBang 23/12/2011 11:59:02   
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Bird - complete

Bird - complete: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , ,

Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Thriller


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