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11091 vues
6 commentaires

Amazing page, Color really emphasizes the page. I love it

PKRG 26/10/2011 11:01:37   
studio.takoyaki 32

definitly, I fllow thic comic.

studio.takoyaki 26/10/2011 15:45:29   
DrugOn 11

You use only 3 colors and thereby your comic's got such original and specific style. And I really like it

DrugOn 26/10/2011 19:21:11   
Nooey 17

Yeah, he's dying again xD
♪ I want to run across this blue sky with uuu ♫ lol !
Like it !

Nooey 06/11/2011 21:52:59   
lig47 8

xD This girl with the red hair remember me of Undertaker and Grell u-u

lig47 08/11/2012 20:30:39   
Throneofsouls 1

Well,one of the rules in the entertainment business is know your audience...which while in hell means no singing sappy love songs especially if your song has the word angel in it.

He's probably been better off if he sang some thing by Three days or at least something by eminem but oh well... In any event this stories is getting good.

Throneofsouls 22/10/2014 10:07:53   
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SPREE★KILLER: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , ,

Version originale: 日本語

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Jeudi, Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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