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11760 vues
23 commentaires
hide-chan 1

I love this manga!

hide-chan 16/04/2012 02:12:10   
ocnarf16 4

hide-chan a dit:I love this manga!es weno que estara asiendo 666 a hora

ocnarf16 04/06/2013 00:47:48   
Jessi 1

I needmore!

Jessi 11/05/2012 14:34:27   
TaraRain 1

This is amazing! I love the whole concept and the art is amazing

TaraRain 13/05/2012 16:38:26   
Neko-ni-Naru 1

The story is interesting and it's drawn very well

Neko-ni-Naru 30/06/2012 14:59:37   
RushBreaker 1

$th time reading Spree killer love it!

RushBreaker 22/10/2012 21:15:21   
lig47 8

More o/

lig47 08/11/2012 21:16:47   
Skytail 1

Why does the brother say that the red-haired girl is a guy? And this manga is GREAT!!! I can't wait until nakiringo makes more!

Skytail 10/11/2012 17:12:51   
Kolour 1

because the red haired "girl" is a guy, says so in the manga.

Kolour 06/01/2013 08:50:02   
Pink_Marionette 6

This is great. I love the concept and the art and colours are beautiful. ♡

Pink_Marionette 10/11/2012 19:19:50   
TroyB 41

Indeed, it's awesome

TroyB 13/11/2012 21:42:00   
Nicole Reese 1

I am in desperate want of more of the comic so...nakiringo should make more

Nicole Reese 20/11/2012 11:15:21   
affinity 1


affinity 08/12/2012 06:43:39   
TroyB 41


TroyB 08/12/2012 13:38:56   
Kolour 1

The art is amazing and the story is sweet! can't wait for more!!!

Kolour 06/01/2013 08:49:22   
AnimeAssa5sin 1

it kinda makes me a little sad that Alex is a boy. I prefer Alex to be a girl, its more likeable

AnimeAssa5sin 20/03/2013 17:04:12   
AnimeAssa5sin 1

Plus wasn't this from like 2012 IM GOING TO CATCH RAGE!!!! where the hell is the rest of it aaaahaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHgjksdgsukgfj,gakmwhkgdsku.

AnimeAssa5sin 20/03/2013 17:07:24   
Tayuyya 2

i love his story i want more <3

Tayuyya 30/04/2013 22:17:59   
flamelover55 1

i love this its so awesome i want more!!!!

flamelover55 12/05/2013 16:23:51   
BlackReaper Illisionist 1


BlackReaper Illisionist 17/05/2013 05:06:53   
evancene 1

ma gosh more ouo

evancene 30/09/2013 19:57:34   
lalata 1

This manga is so hardcore!!! I love. I NEED MORE!!!!!

lalata 24/07/2014 01:18:05   
lalata 1


lalata 29/07/2014 23:33:49   
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SPREE★KILLER: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , ,

Version originale: 日本語

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Jeudi, Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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