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11 commentaires
DanB 2

1st cell: no problems
2nd cell: Oh, hey, so you're the chick who keeps texting Hugo? Cute. And nice clothes. Very...original.
3rd: Hi. You want some room? I thought you'd be thinner, but don't worry, well can squeeze in.
4: What the hell is going on? Am I having another nightmare? Wake me up!
5: What's wrong, baby? Chill. Be Ze~en. Relaaax.

DanB 24/02/2011 18:36:13   
TroyB 41

DanB a dit:1st cell: no problems
2nd cell: Oh, hey, so you're the chick who keeps texting Hugo? Cute. And nice clothes. Very...original.
3rd: Hi. You want some room? I thought you'd be thinner, but don't worry, well can squeeze in.
4: What the hell is going on? Am I having another nightmare? Wake me up!
5: What's wrong, baby? Chill. Be Ze~en. Relaaax.

Hop done, thanks !!!

TroyB 28/02/2011 15:11:09   
Diogenes Mota 8

How disgusting!

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 22:47:47   
Esteryn 33

these girls are so ... lovely, just the kind of friends you'd love to have

Esteryn 13/08/2011 15:08:44   
TroyB 41

Esteryn a dit:these girls are so ... lovely, just the kind of friends you'd love to have XD

I have to admit... could be my taste...

TroyB 03/11/2011 09:37:17   
Esteryn 33

TroyB a dit:
I have to admit... could be my taste...
and there i was being ironic and sympathising with your poor Amilova

Esteryn 03/11/2011 18:15:59   
Abdullahi 1

:bummed: :question: :question: :question: :question:

Abdullahi 03/10/2011 23:00:29   
Abdullahi 1

:bummed: :bummed: :bummed: :bummed: :bummed: :bummed: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :at: :at: :at: :at: :at:

Abdullahi 03/10/2011 23:00:56   
ssj Hunter 1

You can tell he is drunk

ssj Hunter 08/10/2011 21:40:46   
TroyB 41

ssj Hunter a dit:You can tell he is drunk

Obviously !

TroyB 03/11/2011 09:37:31   
Sayak Blader 1

go home hugo...u r drunk

Sayak Blader 10/07/2013 16:38:47   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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