Auteur : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Équipe : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traduction par : tze
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Dimanche
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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There's no point in staying here. I'm sure the police and the media are on their way.
DanB 07/03/2011 11:34:00And where are WE going?
We don't have time for questions, girl. Just be quiet and put on your jacket. Outside...
It's cold! I know! Fine! Let's go then!
Self-affirmation, Amilova.
Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 23:46:07Before everything that happened Amilova really think that she can be the one ruling?
lig47 11/10/2012 02:39:14