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4918 vues
3 commentaires
DrugOn 11

Your comic began with an earthquake and now you have to work up to a climax Good luck!

DrugOn 14/11/2011 21:34:09   
Adou Fisch 18

I was thinking that a red pigeon crashing on a window would attract readers attention... now I just hope I'll be able to keep it xP And the climax...it is coming, I already drew this part but didn't have time to translate it >__ < I hope it will be as punchy as the earthquake . Anyway thanks for you comment! (& sorry for my english ^^)

Adou Fisch 14/11/2011 22:28:11   
DrugOn 11

Adou Fisch a dit:I was thinking that a red pigeon crashing on a window would attract readers attention... now I just hope I'll be able to keep it xP And the climax...it is coming, I already drew this part but didn't have time to translate it &gt;__&lt; I hope it will be as punchy as the earthquake undefined . Anyway thanks for you comment! (&amp; sorry for my english ^^) Yes, now the comics must pay readers' attention, cause there's a lot of them on this site. And in my opinion you did it well So I'm waiting for more pages and translation of your promising comic! English-language readers want to be up on too! (or just me)

DrugOn 15/11/2011 16:38:02   
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Cupidon Boy

Cupidon Boy: couverture




Auteur :

Traduction par : Adou Fisch

Version originale: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Romance


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