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9 commentaires

I admire how quickly he gets over the fact that he nearly died just now.

He went from "I have to stay alive until the full moon" to "I'm back insects" in 10 seconds.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 05/03/2021 13:48:31   
Chewys 31

Whaaaaaat? That was like a minute ago!! Now he is da boss and he knows it

Chewys 05/03/2021 21:06:28   
Chewys 31

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Thank you all!!!

Chewys 05/03/2021 21:12:18   
Kell Brower 6

I can't stop staring at Mr. Popo's face

Kell Brower 06/03/2021 10:04:17   
MaddoxX 1

this is U9 we know the humans thrive here (according DBM) so ... there should be no way the humans and harb can defeat vegeta, not after receiving that sweet ass Zenkai so ... unless maybe ... mafuba ?

MaddoxX 06/03/2021 20:13:42   
Kell Brower 6

Mafuba only if Tien didn't die in the first seconds...
Maybe King Kay warn the warrior about the Saiyan tail weakness

Kell Brower 07/03/2021 14:57:10   
MaddoxX 1

vegeta has no such weakness, but if goes ape they might receive some instructions from King Kai about his tail and try to go for it, but vegeta is a seasoned warrior and KK didn't help goku during his fight he kept yelling nonsense so there's a great chance for vegeta to win here, buuuuuuuuuuut we know for shizzle this is U9 where humans thrive and it ain't U3 where things took a very drastic change.

MaddoxX 09/03/2021 18:46:57   
ebilly 3

Cui is gone but not forgotten, think of all the adventures still possible. He could have been a prisoner, a frog and even the godfather to the great grand-daughter of Cold.

ebilly 07/03/2021 20:13:25   
WilliamsAndy 1

Great Dragon Ball, I read it 12 years ago

WilliamsAndy 12/03/2021 03:43:32   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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