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10059 vues
6 commentaires
Chewys 31

All the links (Youtube, Instagram, Patreon and others) of "An earth Without Goku"


C you, space cowboys

Chewys 01/04/2021 16:52:48   
Jello10 1

Hi, I and my friends really like this series, how much does the monthly revenue need to be to maintain it's status?

Jello10 01/04/2021 19:04:26   
Chewys 31

Thanks Jello!! I'm glad you enjoy it

Hopefully this Is just a temporary set back (Yet we'll keep a regular pace here on thursdays). But I'd really like to get the YouTube Chanel running (for which i need suscribers and Views), so I better spend time on those vids...

I think it will be the best both for readers and me.

About the pace, as the Gun's and roses say, "all we need it's just a little patience"... Or 5 bucks to see ahead Pages on Patreon... But then again, after you see those you'd have to wait for the others, so in the long run it's not that big diffrence...

Chewys 01/04/2021 20:26:17   
MaddoxX 1

dude hand it over the Mondo Cool on YouTube he'll have his entire fandom support you contact him and i wish you all the best

MaddoxX 01/04/2021 20:34:19   
Chewys 31

Hey MaddoxX! Thanks for the data! How can i do that?
Still, i think i´ll need to have some chapters in English first, which is what i intend to work on this coming weeks

Chewys 01/04/2021 21:54:12   
alain57 4

I guess you just need to contact him on his channel.
He'll take the english pictures you already did and made a nice narration work.
This will make some fans wants to see more and come here on even better on patreon

alain57 03/04/2021 22:11:04   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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