Auteur : Chewys
Équipe : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traduction par : Demerzel
Version originale: Español
Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Bon Krillin et Ten Shin Han sont arrivés les premier chez Kaio... pas de raison que Krillin ne puisse pas suivre le mouvement!
Demerzel 07/03/2021 15:35:02Je me demande à quel moment les cyborgs vont entrer en action
Parce que la résistance corporelle est un problème avec kaioken
Chewys 09/03/2021 00:31:25Équipe
ça voudrait dire que Krillin est moins résistant que Ten? No way!!
Demerzel 09/03/2021 09:00:00Auteur
Hahahaha oui!!! Il est!!
Chewys 09/03/2021 13:52:25Mais il est... Plus "intelligent" et "resourceful" aussi
hum we have to agree that we disagree!
Demerzel 09/03/2021 18:30:31pour moi Krillin est bien plus puissant et plus resistant que Ten, en tout cas c'est comme ça que je le ressent dans le combat contre Nappa avec Picollo et Gohan
Who wins in a fight? Tien or Krillin =D
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/03/2021 20:32:57I'm not going to bother with Yamcha as he is right now
Right now in this Universe is a very even match. Tien has raw Power, but Krillin has the wit ant techniques. I´d still bet on Tien anyway. Right now. In the future we shall see.. they´ll be even tighter.
Chewys 10/03/2021 00:45:23In any given moment of cannon Dragon Ball... Tien, Tien all the way (except when Krillin´s power was extracted by Guru, at that time Krillin was stronger than the recently deceased Tien).
Nah. J´aime Krillin.
Chewys 10/03/2021 00:41:29Mais Ten Shin Han et plus resistant: avec Nappa, Ten Shin Han resisted two direct hits by Nappa. He tanked them right on (big mistake). But he tanked them.
Krillin was much clever and Nappa never got to hit him... but just a blast from one of Nappa´s energy attacks (Krillin dodged it) got him almost KO
well losing an arm at the first round is not tanking for me!
Demerzel 11/03/2021 22:17:55Auteur
But then he endured a súper strong kick!!!
Chewys 12/03/2021 19:47:11I mean he was cerently down. But even Piccolo was ko'd by just an elbow.
Tien Is pretty resistant (of course not by saiyan parameters)
Could be worse man, at least Tien didn't explode...
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 13/03/2021 00:59:13Stares at Chiaotzu
i agree
alain57 14/03/2021 19:55:53in dragonball, before picolo, tien was the strongest opponent for goku.
tien also never stopped training, whereas krilin started up to have a lazy familly life :p
in DBZ krilin had the guru boost on namek
but strangely the death z fighter managed to get rid of the ginue force at kaio's house (not sure if this is in the manga or just the anime)
so this means that even yamcha got stronger than krilin (but honestly this part for me was a total bullshit ^^ )
I means ok goku got stronger with the zenkais, but earthlings....
Chewys 13/03/2021 01:50:32Si vous souhaitez soutenir et aider ce projet:
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Rien d'étonnant à ce que Tien maîtrise le Kaioken 3x puisqu'il déjà habitué à subir les effets du Kikoho sur son corps.
Lilleham 16/03/2021 09:05:59