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7041 vues
3 commentaires
Aline Potiron 8

Welcome on the english version of Let me Fly !
I hope the translation is good, i'm not good enough so i accepted Manirian's help ! It seems correct to me, but if you find some mistake, i'll be happy to know it !
Here her DA : http://nooknook.deviantart.com/

Aline Potiron 02/11/2011 23:13:41   
TroyB 41

Aline Potiron a dit:Welcome on the english version of Let me Fly !
I hope the translation is good, i'm not good enough so i accepted

Yes yes translation is fine, you have good friends !!! I'm very happy to read your manga in english, I'm sure it will meet his public here too .

TroyB 03/11/2011 10:47:16   
Aline Potiron 8

TroyB a dit:Aline Potiron a dit:Welcome on the english version of Let me Fly !
I hope the translation is good, i'm not good enough so i accepted

Yes yes translation is fine, you have good friends !!! I'm very happy to read your manga in english, I'm sure it will meet his public here too .

I'll do my best ! Thank you !

Aline Potiron 03/11/2011 22:06:22   
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Let me Fly

Let me Fly: couverture




Auteur :

Traduction par : Aline Potiron

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Jeudi

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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