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6 commentaires
Chewys 31

And so.... the end is near?

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Thank you all!!!


Chewys 14/09/2021 02:51:37   
shmike 1

So....is Vegeta going to use the fake moon or is he too weakened?

shmike 14/09/2021 14:08:17   
alain57 4

seems like vegeta vs recoom ^^
amazing work the more the time goes the more i like this fanfic

alain57 14/09/2021 21:05:44   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

I agree with you and therefore it's such a shame that the DBM team didn't make the U9 portion of this the official canon for U9.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 15/09/2021 04:43:03   
Meenie 1

Hi Chewys I've been reading this comic since DBM came out and I got this Link I've been following it from the beginning and I'm Impressed. Keep up the good work and I hope you won't stop again. a Fan from South Africa

Meenie 15/09/2021 11:27:09   
Cazzemberg 1

So Harp can stop Vegeta, but who can stop Harp?

Cazzemberg 15/09/2021 14:52:51   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : Chewys

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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