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Tao then screamed, realizing he just destroyed his ideal way to transport himself, forever dooming him to traveling by pillar.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 07/11/2021 14:55:36   
Rooms 1

Rooms 23/11/2021 20:34:17   
Cattivone 3

I had the same thought as Crilin: since when he can ride it?

Cattivone 22/11/2021 09:12:16   
Chewys 31

Well... i know he was unworthy when he was little, a jealous, selfish and coward kid. But right now, he is a brave warrior fighting for his friends and his planet. If they aren´t worthy (except for Haarp of course), then no one is Worthy. I´m sure his heart is quite pure by now.

Chewys 22/11/2021 16:54:49   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Krillin should be able to ride the Nimbus with no problems. He should be decently pure of heart by now, even without the presence of Goku in the story. Between being trained by Roshi, Gohan, Kami and now King Kai, he has proven to be a standup guy.

In canon, he was able to wield the Spirit Bomb with no problems after Goku transferred it to him to throw it at Vegeta. Krillin has undergone a lot of character growth in that span of time. He is pretty much at the same point in U9 as he should be in canon, maybe even a bit more.

I think he's way more pure of heart than the other Z-Fighters. At worst, he was just selfish but that was from years of being bullied at the Orin Temple. Compared to Yamcha (ex-bandit), Tien (ex-assassin) or Haarp (dictator of his own country), he's probably the purest character after Son Gohan.

(I would add Master Roshi too but he is still a pervert towards women. )

Ultimate-Perfection 23/11/2021 02:40:44   
luca1 6

I guess that answers my question from previous page - no more carpet - no more tricks
Also I stand for Kururin being able to ride Kinto - I think whatever flaws a character might have it doesn't contradict pure heart - Kururin is no worse than Songohan when it comes to the ladies Besides that he was the only one who gave android 18 a chance and spend a wish to remove the bomb from both androids in the end He earned it imo
As for Kami Sama aiming for Gero - I am impressed - to bad it will miss

luca1 22/11/2021 10:18:50   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Gohan and Krillin have shown their liking for women, but they are a lot more reserved in their approach. They are way more modest than someone like Master Roshi!

Ultimate-Perfection 23/11/2021 02:44:50   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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